Don’t Vote Blue

Do your research before you vote - do your part to restore the Republic

Don’t Vote Blue

The Democratic party is aligned with extremist views, bordering on Communism, Socialism, against ICE, against law enforcement, against the middle class, in favor of illegal immigrants, in favor of the swamp politics that have reigned for the  last 3 decades, and clearly not what it once was.

The updated Republican party and candidates bring new blood into the fold that now represent a change and transition for the United States, and just as the current Presidency is focused on Making America Great Again, there is much that needs to be done across the board from the size of government, tax reform, education, environment, corruption, law enforcement and providing a guidance to the future that will be better for this generation and the next. Current policies being pushed aggressively show contempt for the Constitution and Citizens of the United States, regardless of being a Republican or Democrat – the choice is America First or Socialism/Communism – the choice is for representatives that reflect your community and values, or powerbrokers that are mere puppets to push a globalist agenda benefiting a small room of elites.

Some items that need to be considered is that while the current Democratic party argues politics, the USA has 14.5 million single parent families, that make up a high number of statistics for incarcerations, sex trafficking, drug abuse and runaways. No where in the current blue media will anyone point to the need for more Father’s to be raised to not only lead their families, but to mentor in their communities to turn the tide. The legislation being passed are false fronts to the American people, putting these bailouts of incompetence on the back of American tax payers, and rewarding those that ‘do not have your best interest in mind.’

You will not hear how the Blue party has targeted Conservatives in Blue cities to raise their property taxes as a result of political targeting, and in the reference case I know of, increased the person’s taxes from 16,666 to 33,332 per year because they hold contrary political views to what the administration of that city holds. Violations of the Constitution on these levels, the unreported crime and deaths in these cities is under reported, because the Blue mindset simply does not work.

Student loan debt was pushed through the last administration, but in practicality, instead of just pressuring folks to go to college, learning a trade, 2 year associates, or other options for students are rarely disclosed. Providing practical guidance is lacking in the numbers of those taken in by these ‘lies’ perpetuated – and that is why you should not vote Blue.

One Response

  1. Make sure you do your research, and get out to vote in your local, city, state and federal elections. The time is now to act, and to let your vote represent you. If the Blue party is trying to flood the system with illegitimate votes, it goes to show you how powerful your voting right is.

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