National Voter Rights Act of 1993
I had challenged the local Board of Elections on why they have not cleaned up the Voter Rolls. They responded with the NVRA of 1993 as their response:
The NVRA (National Voter Registration Act of 1993) does not permit our office to cancel a voter based on returned mailers from a resident. The processes in which we can cancel a voter are outlined in section Section 8(d)(2) of the NVRA:
(d) Removal of names from voting rolls
(1) A State shall not remove the name of a registrant from the official list of eligible voters in elections for Federal office on the ground that the registrant has changed residence unless the registrant-
(A) confirms in writing that the registrant has changed residence to a place outside the registrar’s jurisdiction in which the registrant is registered; or
(B)(i) has failed to respond to a notice described in paragraph (2); and
(ii) has not voted or appeared to vote (and, if necessary, correct the registrar’s record of the registrant’s address) in an election during the period beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the day after the date of the second general election for Federal office that occurs after the date of the notice.
(2) A notice is described in this paragraph if it is a postage prepaid and pre-addressed return card, sent by forwardable mail, on which the registrant may state his or her current address, together with a notice to the following effect:
(A) If the registrant did not change his or her residence, or changed residence but remained in the registrar’s jurisdiction, the registrant should return the card not later than the time provided for mail registration under subsection (a)(1)(B). If the card is not returned, affirmation or confirmation of the registrant’s address may be required before the registrant is permitted to vote in a Federal election during the period beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the day after the date of the second general election for Federal office that occurs after the date of the notice, and if the registrant does not vote in an election during that period the registrant’s name will be removed from the list of eligible voters.
(B) If the registrant has changed residence to a place outside the registrar’s jurisdiction in which the registrant is registered, information concerning how the registrant can continue to be eligible to vote.
(3) A voting registrar shall correct an official list of eligible voters in elections for Federal office in accordance with change of residence information obtained in conformance with this subsection.
If this Act has been in place since 1993, there are a few caveats that need to be in place for the Voters. If your local county and state do not cleanup the rolls, it is their responsibility based on 2 federal elections and not voting. The county I reside in has not cleaned up the rolls for 91815 for Voters that meet this criteria. This itself is self incriminates the local Board of Elections, and if it is a policy in your State, the Secretary of State and even the Governor for dereliction of duty. The following are a couple of requirements to be in place if your local Board of Elections state they are upholding the National Voters Rights Act of 1993.
For (d) (1) – where are the forms needed on public record so citizens can correct and remove themselves as they move. This should be available if you are in compliance to the NVRA of 1993.
There should be a form for moving, a form for removal, and form in the case of death for voter’s to be removed – which I do not see available at all. If your state does not have this, they have not complied obviously.
How often is it assessed that voter’s do not appear – you said after 2 federal elections, but my concern is that people vote in the upcoming election, and the require due diligence to insure election integrity is not maintained. Do I need a FOIA request to find how often you go through the rolls, if this is audited or not? This should be public record and not someone that has an interest in election integrity to ask the question.
You state as 2(d) that these are the steps done to remove voters from the roll, but when was it last done, and what is the log of the people carrying it out, with review from peers to account for these mailings. Obviously someone dropped the ball on the 91815 that can be cleaned up from this county’s rolls.
You should get your local county’s rolls and see who did not vote in 2 federal elections. Are they still in the roll list? If so ask the Board of Elections why? If you get pushback from all the way to the Secretary of State, then this is one more reason why the Voting process needs safeguards, not on the federal level, but from the citizens in your area holding these officials accountable. If the local folks hold their officials accountable and the rolls are as bad as they, the Convention of States is a viable option, and bad bureaucrats that have failed their due diligence should be held accountable and be removed for dereliction of duty. When you find these facts in your area, make it known.
Election Integrity impacts everyone, regardless of party, and having stagnant rolls is an impediment for safe and fair elections. For others, they may argue having padding in the elections insures their power base, but the citizen that follows just scales knows this is a complete lie and fabrication to keep baddies in power.
The following is an affidavit for Bucks County residents to update, sign and notarize and send to the Bucks County Board of Elections. We have an estimated number of 115000 on the rolls, and the BOE does not cleanup as it should for obvious reasons. Having citizens clean up the rolls will show how corrupt the local officials are in undermining local elections.
If you need a notary, private information of coordinating this has been sent, the standard notary fee is $5, but I believe that having bad rolls cannot be good for any of us. Clean up.