Along with several large banks that have billions to trillions invested in China, the Biden admin has sent millions of gallons of our strategic oil to the People’s Republic of China, namely the CCP. In addition, at the writing of this article, Taiwan, is blockaded by CCP forces, and the Biden Admin, along with the Majority of Senate and House Democrats, and RHINOS, are merely doing nothing to assist our Pacific Ally.
Rising gas prices were not enough, moving resources to China was not enough, having government agencies shut down US companies to further China’s manufacturing in several cases are just a brief reflection of the deep pockets, deep corruption that everyday Americans will have to pay.
Taiwan is one of the US key partners for chip manufacturing and one of our Asia Pacific allies. China is a clear threat and should not be receiving any money as a developing country and should not be using Hong Kong to be attached to us monetarily. The fact that the lobbyists and traitors in Washington DC would sell out a critical point of interest makes me wonder if they were cut off from fuel, water and power, how long they would last. These folks are elevating China and once again pushing failed policies of a Brain Dead Biden that has failed in Foreign policy – Ukraine re-emerged from his failings during the Obama years, and because Biden is such a failure, epic fails and gaffs follow along to hurt Americans.
Taiwan has been our ally – and perhaps we need to divest from the CCP – and shift elsewhere – the Total War initiative has the US as their threat, while we have idiots here dancing around because they don’t know the difference between principles and integrity versus paper that is printed and manipulated.
The Democratic plan to hire 89,000 IRS employees that are political appointments are meant to target 18,000,000 more Americans to tax more and also be used as leverage to politically attack Center and Right of Center people that do not agree with these corrupt policies.
Vote America First candidates. Get rid of the RHINOS and the traitors that are out there that are forcing us all to foot the bill, and if these big donors have some underhanded tax benefit provided by wink wink and nudge nudge folks, expose them for it, and expose the companies involved with these practices that are a National Security risk, as well as a pain point for a majority of Americans.
Expose the corruption locally – get these folks out – gather the evidence of the wrongdoing so you can put in in there place and hold them before the community for justice, and perhaps a firing squad. Perhaps making them work till they pay back every cent and the reparations to all would be a better plan so they don’t do this again. These crimes should not be a get out of jail – penalties should be high, and the folks that are dirty – to be dealt with accordingly.
Hunter Biden’s criminal activity will be slaps on the wrist, despite the fact they carry hefty penalties, crime is rampant all across the nation, the borders are overflowing, and these folks are doing everything – like rats to eat and feast – using you – the taxpayer as their victim. Rats get torched and burned and fed poison – calling in rodent and rat control is required all across the board – do not vote in any candidate that does not support America First.