Many people do not know that in order for the CCP to expand globally, they have to take out rivals globally. Unknown to the people making money through their current dealings, the people do not know the cunning and overall objective for the world that is being planned. The education of Marxism is being pushed throughout the world, it is in the culture, it is being saturated from Hollywood, Bollywood, social media, mainstream media, and the people being used to propagate are engaging in the ultimate demise of your community, your city, your state and your nation.
The USA is taking a frontal assault of all the pressure and influence the CCP has gained globally. During these times, technically a EMP pulse should be sufficient to send these folks to the dark ages – but before it gets to this, one must be educated and be alert to their plans.
Tik Tok – all social media, all major news outlets are in question. If the bribes are flowing in, and the means are to kill large populations, the intention is not business – it is to kill and destroy. When you have a nation state planning these activities, why partake in this evil and why be part of something that will come back and haunt you.
The world needs to wake up. Major news outlets, leftists not doing their duty, drugs, lawlessness, and policies that benefit the CCP are being pushed by agents that have infiltrated all ranks in all countries. You must stop these people. They do not fear God and treat all people like animals.
During the Cultural Revolution, children were taught to betray their families, and this core heartless ideology has destroyed families. The Khmer Rouge killed millions in Cambodia. These copycat 共匪 Communist Bandits will steal and destroy everything. While you are able, fight this in your homes, your communities, and your nation – and counter the false belief system that pushes the belief that people can save themselves, when in reality when we know how truly evil we are, and how we need God, change and transformation can happen. As for these godless animals that kill people – that have tortured and used organ harvesting, that use their prisoners for manufacturing to flood the world markets, consider that these folks are the worst and must be stopped.
The Great Leap Forward is a historic event leading to the death of millions under Mao – and the CCP would love to cover it up – but history shows these people were murdered, and children were used to betray their families, even before the class and social divisions propagated – the same divisions being perpetrated by traitors in the USA.