
Do your research before you vote - do your part to restore the Republic

Don’t Vote Blue is an organization that is not taking funds at this time, but would ask that you volunteer and contribute to build your grassroots community.

  1. Contact your local party and ask how to get involved.
  2. Screen the candidates that reflect your values, and show the most promise in regards to character that will be best suited for the position.
  3. Remove all RINOS that are sellouts and do not value your vote.
  4. Educate and inform others on the facts, be aware that censors in Big Tech will hinder the best candidates.
  5. This site will provide Globalist candidates that are trying to take positions that you should counter.
  6. If you have the means and conviction, and are in a party, you can become a write in for the party during the Primary days. Be aware of deadlines and signature requirements to get on the roll for a primary, and if you miss them, you can become a write in.
  7. Pray to God that men and women of character fill the spots.
  8. Use all means that are available to get the word out – keep in mind there are many people that have no soul and have no fear of God that will hinder you, persevere for the Lord, your family and community.
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