Democratic Party War on Women

Do your research before you vote - do your part to restore the Republic

The Democratic Party has began it’s war on Women. From compromising opportunities of women, and young women in schools, from sports to professions, the Democratic Party, just as they have been the party to promote slavery, increase the size of government, instead of allowing for the independent right to self fulfillment, for women to achieve greater positions, the Democratic Party is seen as opposing the identity of women, and perverting the opportunities and protections that women have.

This is a sick agenda to hinder women’s rights, to brutalize and abuse the rights and freedoms, and self determination to succeed, and expose them to abuses of men that hormonally alter their identities.

The mainstream media is lying to all women and engaging in a war against them.




The problem is that women are being silenced with one agenda being shoved down the throat of people all across the board, which is unacceptable. Don’t believe the false narratives and dissect the lies being shown through the mainstream media and agendas being pushed. Fight them and call them out for what they are.

In order to be heard, you do not need to step over people and control, a platform of debate and equality under the law, and mutual appreciation on the basis of God’s image of us is the best place to start from.

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