To prevent Illegal Immigrants from Voting, Proof of Citizenship is required.
The easiest way to enforce this is to insure the Voter Rolls are updated and cleaned up, and then those authorized to Vote are verified for Citizenship. Upon the findings of those that Voted, if any turn out as Illegal the following legislation should be created to deal with Illegal Votes.
- Fingerprint the people that are Voting that should not be, and create harsh legislation on the Local, State and Federal Level to deny any benefits of all kinds for this infraction. They chose to break the law and compromise the Integrity of the Vote of the Electorate, they are punished by being excluded from all possible government support period in the present term and future.
- The addresses of those that have violated the law should be noted for future reference. The names accounted for and cross agencies for Deportation contacted for extraction. Nation States of source immigration notified.
- Seizure – since these illegals are not citizens and violated border and laws of immigration on the Federal, State and Local level, their assets are open for seizure and provided for the benefit of the community damaged by illegal activity.
- Special considerations can be provided on guidance for citizenship on unveiling those that have trafficked them and parties that are successfully prosecuted for trafficking, and being involved with intent to defraud the USA and the localities involved. This caveat is based on the successful prosecution of agents, agencies, corrupt officials engaged in these operations that may gain a monetary or political benefit from these illegal activities.
- If criminal histories of violence of any sort are found, the illegal should be deported, if they have murdered and are not found to have a country of entry by their statements or their original state is unwilling to take them back, death by firing squad since they are not citizens and have no identity of background to confirm their existence, as well as their past violence, drug trafficking, gang and murders conducted would allow this to take place, creating a system to conduct this exercise to punish criminals from creating crime in the areas they have inhabited. There should be a system for special considerations that are not criminals and have been brought to this country under provable circumstances under cross examination and witness validation, and testimonial support from 3 parties that will confirm this – all in good legal standing. Legal protections are provided for Citizens – those that circumvent the system are subject to the most extreme punishments since they had lawful means of entry – whether for political or the Visa process. In addition supporting illegal immigration empowers criminal organizations and does not in anyway benefit the United States, but places a burden that is simply slipped in by these criminal organizations. If the seed is bad, the root and fruit cannot be good if these legal guidelines are not followed period, therefore these harsh limits and penalties are the default for violators.
- Due process is to removed, since they are not citizens, and the burden should not shift to the locality for representation, their status prevents them from receiving any legal counsel, and they are expedited to the immediate repercussions of bypassing the system.
- States that enable illegal immigration by gaming and providing ID’s to obfuscate these facts will be rendered as an ‘Untrusted’ State and all commerce, movement of materials and goods, even to the export of power, will be subject to financial and political repercussions for aiding and abetting such illegal activity. If politicians that support this on the written record are found, then enforcement can be carried out based on State and Local laws to hold perpetrators accountable for such illegal activity. There is 0 tolerance for such activity, and no gray area is to be provided for anyone involved with these illegal activities.
- Public office officials found negligent in localities will be open to having their pensions docked, their positions demoted and even for them to be fired on grounds of aiding and abetting incompetence in the local office. These officials will have their assets under review, and to their relatives as well for seditious activity undermining the legitimacy of the local, state and federal government. The burden of proof is to show after proof is provided that they carried out their due diligence, if not, they are subject for penalties that will be sent to a fund to provide for the needy, the poor, widows and neglected in the community.
- Pathway for Legal Immigrants, Visa holders and those that have been waiting to be refined and valued over the illegal immigration current Democratic bureaucrats have been upholding. The plans of this allowance of Illegal Immigration should be redirected to states and cities that push this policy, and the transformation of these cities to be monitored for their failed policies. The bureaucrats that have pushed this should be placed on a list so they can only reside in the locations they have destroyed and to be held accountable by the local populace for pushing these flawed and dangerous policies to the detriment of the local community.